Wednesday, April 28, 2010

You're Probably All Wondering Why I've Decided To Come Back To This Juicy Site And Start Running It Again. It's Because I've Missed All Of The Juicy Gossip Being Passed Around, Shared, Etc.

Since I'm Back, I Want Even MORE JUICER GOSSIP. Right Now, I'm Looking For A New Source. Send Me An Email At: You Will Remain Anonymous On The Site But If You Would Like, You Are Welcome To Tell Me Who You Are. Although, I Will NOT Tell You Who I Am. Sorry, Boys And Girls. So, Are You Interested? Email Me.

Be Sure To Spread The Word That I'm Back.
Until The Next Post, You Know You Love Me.


Stay Tuned For The Juicy Gossip You've Been Waiting For!


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I am officially resigned! No more gossip blasts, no more blog, no more updates, no more scoop. The site has ended and you are now free to do what you want(Not that you were before.) Reason for this sudden withdraw from everyone and their scandals? No reason. As for my favorite drama filled clique, Oh i'll still hear from them in fact i'll still hear ALL of you. But this WILL NOT be the last time you'll hear from me, I'll be in for Another season. I will be back for a "FRESH" start, if you know what I mean. If you don't then you'll just have to wait till next year to see.

You know you'll miss me


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

If you weren't hiding under a rock today, then you have to have witnessed C's and N's fierce argument over break or at least heard about it.C's former group members hate her. But she has the rest of the school on her SIDE. Very bad for a girl that was almost been nominated to be the queen of the school, As in N. but SPOTTED: after school having a little "Talk". Will it finally be over for them and things will go back to normal? N isn't exactly sugar and spice and everything nice. Guess will see what happens.

E-Blast #60,61,62
Look's like our virgin It Girl isn't pure as she pretended to be. If C lied about that what else might she be lying about? Who's your daddy, C? Baby daddy that is. 3rd base and some type of job? Talk about doing the nasty or should i say being nasty. Summer may be over but your scandal isn't.

Your Gossip,

dear gossip girl,
is N still a virgin? i hear she had sex during the summer. same with C.

Dear karen,
Not so sure about N but we all know that C lost her V-card.

hey gg,
C and her boyfriend M been together helluh long but do u ever see them hangout, what a fake couple. u would see C flirting with them guys and M just stand back and watch.(7th graders)
-a p

Dear A P,
Jealousy is often the problem you should then you can go ahead and steal her boyfriend. Just Kidding. Maybe they have and open relationship, or C just isn't the jealous type. Or she hates drama from girls.

dear GG.
c forfeited the fight afterschool n was ready for it. they were going off at break becuz c acussed nhi of telling everyone shes pregnant but why would she ???? seems like c hatin on the new queen n

Dear anonymous,
Considering N kicked out C from the group. If that was me I would of accused her also for ruining my reputation. Queen N? Not just yet.

Dear gossipgirl,
heyy you know that gurl m and f are together!!! hes soo short and she soo tall!

Hey VD,
She probably has to bend down to kiss him. Love has no shape or size.

I'll be watching closely. I'll be watching all of us. It's going to be a wild and wicked year. I can smell it.


Saturday, October 3, 2009

Sorry, if i have been MIA this week. The weather got me a little drained.

According to N's twitter update there is NO MORE Sex Bench. Or is there? They all still hang out together. After that whole drama with J they all have been seen scattered in various places. Not to mention there happens to be a Team V and Team B. I have a feeling this is gonna go on the whole year, And for J let's just say she'll be back sooner or later.

It's official that N has ruined C's reputation. She's been booted off the APF for good. Loner is now in her name. We hear the group is throwing a hotel party mixed with all the bad stuff you can think of. And N is able to go to the Piedmont Hills homecoming dance. If N had the power to kick out C then we just underestimated her the whole time. Will she be the actual Queen of the school now? Her little condom scandal last year was just her way of getting attention for this year.


Monday, September 28, 2009

Summer is officially away and the Fall breeze is bringing in the worse of everyone. Is everything or everyone what is seems to be. Guess will just have to find out.

There's a certain girl that we didn't expect to see in our fake list. J? didn't think so. If the "Sex Bench" claims what she is and so do her other close friends. Backstabbed much? or just stabbed in general. Denying your fake is an honest mistake but lying to your friends isn't. Then again life is too short to hold grudges. But i guess well see this girl to be eating alone in the bathroom.

Now that APF is filled with drama once AGAIN. But SPOTTED after school confronting C. No reason is known yet. I have the feeling N is going to take C's It Girl status for herself. And did C switch places with her and became the hated one?

Your Gossip,

Dear Gg
THaTSZ aLL iM SaYInq F0' N0w

Dear Mystery,
Could it be possible for you being that girl in the relationship? Maybe. But if you see anything you should contact the Authorities.

dear GG
OMFG theres this one 7th grader and he's a "lip virgin" ,as he claims, and he's a cry baby IN THE SEVENTH GRADE as my colleague and i belive its time someone gives him seeds to grow some balls

Hey vallery,
Who ever this person is he needs to be talked too. 7th grade? Yeah i don't think your supposed even still suppose to cry about stupid things like that.


Saturday, September 26, 2009

The week has been very HOT, But not the kind that will make you take your clothes off.
Say good bye to those summer scandals that were stirred up in the winter time and just melted in a pool of water for me to drink. 8th grade year will be on FIRE.

Also this week: Was all about N and the So-called group "APF". If she or should i say They haven't been talked about enough this whole couple weeks. Story is that they have been on all sort of trouble like C did some type of sexual act on her BF this summer. Or that A and N have been getting high off over-the counter-meds. But the other day A declared a fight against one of Queen J's minions A. For a stupid reason. We all know that Queen J hates drama but she'll be down for anything. Word is that she brings marijuana to school now or some type of alcohol. But a queen wouldn't do anything that ridiculous. Especially if your trying to stay away from the press. But what about the rumor that her sister Little J was gonna be in a fight herself? Guess it was just a rumor. For now that is.

Some old students that left the district may be coming back for another taste of Morrill. How much have they missed out? that Morrill isn't the same school as it was in the 6th grade.

Another thing, a Rumor of J drunk at the dance is in someones phone and camera. Try to get a hold of it.

T and M BFF's have recently started dating.
K 7th grader is dating J. Guess he dumped his Freshmen girlfriend for someone more naive. Get this she's also his Cross Country PARTNER!



Wednesday, September 23, 2009

If you haven't been paying attention lately, Then you could feel that 8th grade is slowly kicking in. I'm still waiting on some exciting story to dish on with all of you. This week is gonna be hot, And when it's hot people do stupid things.

Your Gossip


Are you K C?
-Z Z

Dear Z,
Not at all. My 'Initial' as you wanna call it isn't at all near that letter. Or is it? Well that's for you to keep on finding out.

J has another lady?
yes! why seen the other day outside his home kissing not K but a high schooler from indi.

Hey SD,
If he hasn't been kissing enough girls to get an infection. Tell her to Stay Away!


Saturday, September 19, 2009

If you didn't get to make it to the dance last night, then i'm bringing the after party to you.

A asked out D but she totally turned him down, Just for him to go to J and ask her out. She looked a little 'Toasty' if you know what i mean. Had a few drinks before the dance J?

6th graders CANNOT dance at all, Then again we were 6th graders 2 years ago. But we were hell of better dancers then they are today. They just try to bite off us upperclassmen.

J or C during the dance (couple or not)J decided to ditch him and leave him to dance with other girls.

D And N was there with their crew of course, they were dancing with little 6th graders who's faces were only above their BOOBS!

The whole Latino gangster crew was there. Surprisingly enough NONE of them were on the restriction list. But as for D, we All saw her attack some innocent guy during school hours. Get a grip D.

Freshmen students were there to crash the dance, Too bad for them they weren't aloud in. Aren't high school kids supposed to have a life?

As for people On the restriction list, Like T tried to climb the fence. But obviously that idea was out of the question since there were several teachers on the look out.

M was there. But where was her other half A? On the Restriction list of course. This certain couple maybe on the verge of a fight.

All for now, I can't wait till the Winter Ball.


If N hasn't been hated enough this year, Does A ring a bell to you? It sure has for everyone's phones on Monday. It was sure to get you fired up to get everyone to believe you didn't like him. We all know you Did. Or do as your friends said. But for you to be SPOTTED At BarCode the following day was a good way to follow up on a new scandal. Who was that Mystery Guy with her?

With The news of new Sierramont kids transferring over to MMS had us excited for a minute thinking it was 8th graders, We were wrong. It turns out they were all 6th and 7th graders for the most part.

I'm still on the hunt down for our missing It Girl K. Does she think she can just be voted for that and not do anything exciting for us to talk about. I hear shes hanging out with an outcast group. She won't stay hidden for long.

If Queen J hasn't used her hierarchy powers for anything exciting. Then who has? We're all just waiting.



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